Can it possibly be? Half of the year is nearly gone. Simply unbelievable. All the greater the need to document LIFE. Six months from today is Christmas. That means it's the Boylens' wedding anniversary! Happy 9th, Sarah & Ryan!
Scott spent the day with me today. We had intended to go out and about, but our plans got waylaid and we stayed in. I love our conversations, which go on all day long except for nap time! Everything right now is "Not Quite." Are you ready for this or that? Do you want to do this or that? "Not quite." Too funny.
I had finished February, March and most of April some time ago, but never rendered them nor posted them here. So let's begin with February. It was a big month. It will be enough for tonight. This gal must get to bed. Sarah is due on July 1st, and we almost thought she was going into labor this morning, but it appeared not to be so. Work is BUSY. That is, much on my to do list. We have less staff these days, too. Our thoughts and prayers are with Dad & Mom Mehringer lately, as Dad has not been feeling very well and was hospitalized on Memorial Day for several days and then spent some days in a rehab facility. Again, lots going on. So here's February: