Sunday, July 6, 2014

My Photo Diary a/k/a Project Life: April 2014 Pages

Goodness, I'm looking at my April pages and they're so, so ... well, let me just say I think I'm feeling uninspired. Lazy, rushed? At least done, although they don't quite feel done. But they are. I've not started May or June and want to get a move on. Much to do at work, ALWAYS. (A good thing ...) Stephen Ministry training is done but there's continuing ed a couple times a month. Jefferson County Fair begins this Wednesday through next Sunday. I entered 14 items in Open Class Photography and watched judging with Becky for just a little bit this past Tuesday. Two entries in Black & White did nothing; two entries in Color placed, a fourth and a first. Two entries in Computer Enhanced ... well, I don't know yet. Becky didn't stay for judging in that class and I just don't know yet until this week.

What else? We did not get strawberries from Jelli's this year as we still have some in the freezer. The blueberries will not be as plentiful there this year, but hope we can get some delicious berries again. We've had quite a few cherries from our own trees. Thanks to my loving hubby for growing them, picking them and pitting them. I've made a couple desserts and froze a bunch, too. Kohlrabi, sugar snap peas, lettuce ... yum! Oh my word, the mosquitos! Why oh why did the Lord see fit to create those awful things. They are soooo bad here. We've had lots of rain, it's often windy.

Drew came to Grandpa & Grandma M.'s house for the first time yesterday with Mommy and big brother Gabe. Kevin and Scott were here then the birthday girl Becky, her mom, sis Liz and b-i-l Christopher joined us for dinner. We missed Ryan, who got the master bedroom done in their home so that he, Sarah and baby could move over there, but now Gabe's new room needs finishing, including a new closet built, so that he can move into that room and Drew move into the nursery.

Here are my pages for April:

That's it for awhile. Long live the U.S.A.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

March Pages and Baby Andrew is Here!

Well, a week ago yesterday (Wed., June 25th) I wrote that Sarah was not in labor after all. But she might have been and probably was! In the early morning hours of last Thursday, June 26, her water broke. They called on Ryan's friend and co-worker Aaron to come be with Gabe while they headed to Elkhorn to the hospital. Ryan called at 5:39 a.m. to say that Sarah was at 10cm and they were going in (to the delivery room) soon. Grandson #3 was born at 6:45 a.m. with a lot of dark hair, 21" long and 7# 5oz. Thank you, God, for answering our prayers for an easy labor and delivery! I got to the house around 8 a.m. and Gabriel's face lit up with a smile when Grandma appeared at his bedroom door. After breakfast and morning meds, I brought Gabe home with me. We played all day and he did well overnight. We spent some time with Scott on Friday morning at Don & Julie's house. Sarah and baby Andrew Richard Boylen (they didn't decide on his name until Friday) were discharged Friday afternoon and we took Gabriel home that evening to meet him. How about this for cuteness?

Many more pictures of this little one to follow!

To continue with my March pages meanwhile:

That's it for tonight, 4th of July Eve!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Six Months 'Til Christmas!

Can it possibly be? Half of the year is nearly gone. Simply unbelievable. All the greater the need to document LIFE. Six months from today is Christmas. That means it's the Boylens' wedding anniversary! Happy 9th, Sarah & Ryan!

Scott spent the day with me today. We had intended to go out and about, but our plans got waylaid and we stayed in. I love our conversations, which go on all day long except for nap time! Everything right now is "Not Quite." Are you ready for this or that? Do you want to do this or that? "Not quite." Too funny.

I had finished February, March and most of April some time ago, but never rendered them nor posted them here. So let's begin with February. It was a big month. It will be enough for tonight. This gal must get to bed. Sarah is due on July 1st, and we almost thought she was going into labor this morning, but it appeared not to be so. Work is BUSY. That is, much on my to do list. We have less staff these days, too. Our thoughts and prayers are with Dad & Mom Mehringer lately, as Dad has not been feeling very well and was hospitalized on Memorial Day for several days and then spent some days in a rehab facility. Again, lots going on. So here's February:

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Almost Valentine's Day, and ... Breaking News!

This has been a most frustrating blog post. I've written it like three times ... oh never mind. Cannot sweat the small stuff! My Wednesdays off just fly by, and then I don't know what I accomplish. In reality, a lot. I got the last of the butternut squash in the freezer yesterday. It lasted a long time just being kept cool, but it should have been done by the end of the year. Sure had a great garden last year, and Ken's seed order from Jung's -- partial, anyway -- has already arrived!

Anyway, what the heck, we are a month and a half into the new year already. It has been so cold cold cold, and snowy too. But warmer weather is coming (for us in the 80's and 70's next week in Arizona, and for SE Wis. as temps climb into the 30's) ... woot woot! January wasn't too busy, mostly healing from the foot surgery four weeks ago yesterday. It's coming along, I guess. It's hard not to be impatient!
The late "breaking" news ... literally ... is that Sarah is 20 weeks along earlier this week and yesterday they went to their very important ultrasound appointment and learned baby's gender, among other things. Everything looks good health wise, praise God! Here is how they revealed their gender news on Facebook. See this You Tube video. Fun, huh?

All right, here is January.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

That's A Wrap (on 2013)

I didn't post these the other evening when I posted November. I guess I felt they should be separate posts, and now they are. Yay ... everything is uploaded to my 2013 Lifephoto book and I just need to design the cover and then order it. I have a start on January, but just a start. Some folks work on this weekly, but I just have other things to do these days. You've heard the expression "too much month left at the end of money," but I would have to say, "too many things left to do at the end of a day." Profound, I know.

One photo in particular is very special in December. Sarah's first ultrasound! The very first photo of our precious gift from heaven #3. Yup, she's due the 1st of July. What a pleasant, unexpected surprise! Well, you can see that December was a busy month. We'll let the pages speak for themselves. Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Happy New Year, 2014! And almost, Happy New Month, February!

So I've had some down time recently. On the 15th of January, I had surgery on my right foot to remove a Morton's neuroma, had a bunionectomy, and got a steroid shot to relieve some pain in a third area of that foot. I think it went well. Ken took off that Wednesday and also the following day, which featured a trip to the clinic for a first post op dressing change. I wear a black shoe/boot when I am mobile, and tried to keep the foot elevated quite a bit that first weekend and during the following week as well during my time at home. Tomorrow, January 30th, I anticipate that the stitches will be removed.

I did clomp down the stairs to access my computer that first Monday (and ended up going down and up five times in all ... oops!), but I was itching to work on and finish Project Life 2013. It wasn't too comfortable, to be honest. In any event and without further ado, here is November 2013 in words and photo.